Mitchell Hashimoto

Pledging $300,000 to the Zig Software Foundation

October 1, 2024

My wife and I have pledged $300,0001 to the Zig Software Foundation (ZSF).

The ZSF has posted their own announcement which clearly explains their mission and specifically what the money will be used for. Instead, I want to talk more broadly about why we've decided to support ZSF.

I've been following the Zig project since sometime in 2019. I publicly shared my excitement about the project in 2021. I started using Zig later that year and by early 2022, I began writing about Zig plus contributing to the compiler, and I've continued to make a few dozen code contributions since then. In 2023, I publicly shared my terminal project Ghostty which is written in Zig. Today, I spend most of my coding time in Zig.

My family enjoys supporting causes we believe in2. As part of this, we want to support independent software projects that we believe can be transformative and impactful, both as a way to give back to the community that gave me so much but more importantly as a way to highlight and encourage a culture of building for the love of building. Zig is one of those projects.

Zig was started as and continues to be a huge passion project. It is well managed, the community is strong, and the funding model is transparent and sustainable. As a technology, it is ambitious and innovative, but still practical and pragmatic. It has a long way to go to reach stability and broader industry adoption, but I believe it has a clear path and opportunity to get there.

We're proud to support Zig and the Zig Software Foundation and are excited to see what the future holds for the project. As a reminder, around a third of the funding for ZSF comes from individual donations. Please consider donating if you can. Thanks Andrew for starting an amazing project and to the entire Zig community for making it what it is today!


  1. Paid out in annual $150,000 installments over two years. The first installment has already been transferred.

  2. Our philanthropy is generally private, but I'm making an exception since I think my public support of Zig has a chance to really help the project due to my background.