Mitchell Hashimoto

Tagged Union Subsets with Comptime in Zig

September 23, 2024

This is part of a series on Zig comptime usecases.

Zig supports tagged unions1 and the Zig compiler will error if you switch on a tagged union without handling all possible cases. This is a great feature because it helps you avoid bugs when new cases are added to the union. Many languages support similar functionality.

However, sometimes you want to work with a subset of the tagged union. You don't want to lose compiler safety by using catch-all cases in your switch statement, but you also don't want to handle every case with a noop.

In this post, I'll illustrate a real world example of this scenario and how Zig's comptime can be used to elegantly solve it. The real world example will come from my terminal project.

A Real Example: Keybind Actions

The following is how keybind actions are represented in Ghostty. A keybind action is the action that a keyboard shortcut triggers. For example: ctrl+n might trigger the action to open a new window.

pub const Action = union(enum) {
  quit: void,
  new_window: void,
  close_window: void,
  close_all_windows: void,
  open_config: void,
  reload_config: void,
  scroll_lines: i16,

  // Many more in reality, but we'll use the above for this blog post.

Most keybinding actions have no data associated with them (void) but some do. For example, the scroll_lines action has an i16 associated with it to specify the number of lines up (negative) or down (positive) to scroll.

This tagged union approach is nice because in the part of the code that executes keybind actions, I can switch on the Action union and the compiler will error if I don't handle all cases. This ensures that when I add a new keybind action, I also add the code to handle it.

pub fn performAction(action: Action) void {
  switch (action) {
    .quit => ...,
    .new_window => ...,
    .close_window => ...,
    .close_all_windows => ...,
    .open_config => ...,
    .reload_config => ...,
    .scroll_lines => |amount| ...,

This is how Ghostty initially implemented keybind actions.

The Case for Union Subsets

Recently, I needed to add a new keybind action that was scoped not to a specific terminal but to the entire Ghostty application. As part of this, I wanted to refactor out performAction so that the terminal-specific actions were handled by the terminal structure and the application-wide actions were handled by the application structure.

The problem is that the Action union contains both terminal-specific actions and application-wide actions. Initially, I did something like this:

pub fn performAppAction(action: Action) void {
  switch (action) {
    .quit => ...,
    .close_all_windows => ...,
    .open_config => ...,
    .reload_config => ...,
    else => {},

This works but do you see the else there? That's a catch-all case and when there is a catch-all case, the compiler can't error if I add a new action to the Action union and forget to handle it in performAppAction.

Next, I exhaustively listed out all the actions I didn't care about and did nothing:

pub fn performAppAction(action: Action) void {
  switch (action) {
    .quit => ...,
    .close_all_windows => ...,
    .open_config => ...,
    .reload_config => ...,

    // Do nothing for terminal-specific actions.
    => {},

This works but I have a few issues with it:

  1. It's verbose. I have to list out all the terminal-specific actions even though I don't care about them. The blog post example only shows a half dozen actions but in reality there are many, many more.

  2. From a types perspective, I don't like that performAppAction can accept terminal-specific actions. It'd be nicer if the type signature self-documented that it only accepts application-wide actions and what those were.

  3. This same issue is mirrored in the performTerminalAction function (which I didn't show here).

What I really want is something like the following:

const AppAction = union(enum) {
  quit: void,
  // ... other app actions ...

const TerminalAction = union(enum) {
  new_window: void,
  // ... other terminal actions ...

const Action = AppAction | TerminalAction;

One might ask: "why not just have two separate unions?" The answer is because other parts of the codebase need to work with the single Action. For example, the configuration parser needs to be able to parse all actions for keybinds.

Comptime Union Subsets

We can use Zig comptime to create our subset types.

We could've just as easily created our subset types and used comptime to create our full union type. As an exercise to the reader, I encourage you to try this. It works just as well, but has different edge cases and ergonomic tradeoffs.

The first thing we need to know is what scope each action belongs to. To do this, we can introduce a new function to tell us:

pub const Scope = enum { app, terminal };

pub fn scope(action: Action) Scope {
  return switch (action) {
    .quit, .close_all_windows, .open_config, .reload_config => .app,
    .new_window, .close_window, .scroll_lines => .terminal,

This is a very straightforward function. It is verbose since we need to include every case, but it is centralized in a single location and easy to maintain.

Next, we can use this function and comptime to create our subset types:

/// Returns a union type that only contains actions that are scoped to
/// the given scope.
pub fn ScopedAction(comptime s: Scope) type {
  const all_fields = @typeInfo(Action).Union.fields;

  // Find all fields that are scoped to s
  var i: usize = 0;
  var fields: [all_fields.len]std.builtin.Type.UnionField = undefined;
  for (all_fields) |field| {
    const action = @unionInit(Action,, undefined);
    if (action.scope() == s) {
      fields[i] = field;
      i += 1;

  // Build our union
  return @Type(.{ .Union = .{
    .layout = .auto,
    .tag_type = null,
    .fields = fields[0..i],
    .decls = &.{},
  } });

I'm sorry, I know this is a "draw the rest of the fucking owl" moment2. I'll walk through this step by step.

pub fn ScopedAction(comptime s: Scope) type {

First, capitalized identifiers in Zig are idiomatically types. The compiler doesn't enforce or require this, it's just idiomatic styling. When a function is capitalized, it signals to the caller that it will return a type.

This is a function that returns a type. This is how Zig does generics. Since Zig has comptime code execution, and comptime code execution is the full language, we can use functions that take parameters at comptime and return things like... types.

In this case, our function is taking a Scope and using that to generate a new action union that only contains actions that have that scope.

  const all_fields = @typeInfo(Action).Union.fields;

The @typeInfo builtin function3 returns structured information about a type at comptime. We call it on Action to extract all the fields in the union.

  // Find all fields that are scoped to s
  var i: usize = 0;
  var fields: [all_fields.len]std.builtin.Type.UnionField = undefined;
  for (all_fields) |field| {
    const action = @unionInit(Action,, undefined);
    if (action.scope() == s) {
      fields[i] = field;
      i += 1;

We now iterate over all the fields in the Action union. For each field, we determine if it belongs to the scope we're interested in. If it does, we save it.

The @unionInit function is a builtin that creates a union value with a comptime-known field name and value. The value we use is undefined (uninitialized memory) because we don't care about the value; our scope() function only looks at the tag. If we ever access undefined memory in comptime, we'll get a compiler error, so this is safe.

We need to create a value with the given type so we can call scope() on it. Note that our scope() function above has no idea if it is being executed in comptime or runtime. It doesn't care. It's just a normal function. Comptime is fucking cool that way.

  // Build our union
  return @Type(.{ .Union = .{
    .layout = .auto,
    .tag_type = null,
    .fields = fields[0..i],
    .decls = &.{},
  } });

The @Type builtin reifies a type (creates a new type). In this case, we're creating a union with the fields we accumulated; the fields that have the scope we're looking for.

Fun fact, I implemented a lot of the type reification logic in the Zig compiler. If you use @Type, you're probably hitting at least one line of code I wrote.

Finally, at the end of all this, we have a new type that only contains a subset of our original union. It looks like this:

pub fn performAppAction(action: ScopedAction(.app)) void {
  switch (action) {
    .quit => ...,
    .close_all_windows => ...,
    .open_config => ...,
    .reload_config => ...,

Beautiful. We have a simple switch with compiler-enforced exhaustiveness and our function signature self-documents that it only accepts application-wide actions. When we add new actions to the Action union, we'll get a compiler error to update the scope() function and after that everything else will just work.

Also, in case its not obvious: all of this logic happens at compile time. There is no runtime cost to doing any of this. Since we only execute this logic at compile time, it also doesn't generate any new runtime code.

Converting To A Subset

The final challenge: given a full Action, how do we convert it to a typed subset such as ScopedAction(.app)? The function below does just that:

pub fn scoped(self: Action, comptime s: Scope) ?ScopedAction(s) {
  switch (self) {
    inline else => |v, tag| {
      // Use comptime to prune out invalid actions
      if (comptime @unionInit(
      ).scope() != s) return null;

      // Initialize our app action
      return @unionInit(

Let's walk through this one as well.

pub fn scoped(self: Action, comptime s: Scope) ?ScopedAction(s) {

A few neat things here. First, this function takes both runtime and comptime parameters. The compiler will enforce that the comptime parameters are known at compile time.

The scope parameter must be comptime known because we use it to determine our return value. Notice we use s in the return type ?ScopedAction(s). If we didn't have the comptime prefix on s, the compiler would error because we can't use a runtime value to generate information that must be compile-time known (a type).

The ? in the return type notates an optional return value. This means that the return value may be null. For this function, we'll return null if the self action doesn't belong to the scope we're looking for.

  switch (self) {
    inline else => |v, tag| {

The inline else is a special case in Zig. It is a catch-all case that generates runtime code for each case that wasn't explicitly handled. Because it is inline, the compiler will provide the tag as a compile-time known value. This is important because we need to use it to determine the scope of the action.

inline else can be hard to understand at first. I recommend trying to delete the inline keyword and see what the compiler tells you. Then think through what the compiler is trying to do and it should become more clear why inline is necessary.

      // Use comptime to prune out invalid actions
      if (comptime @unionInit(
      ).scope() != s) return null;

Here we use @unionInit again to create a union value with the comptime-known tag. We then call scope() on it to determine if it belongs to the scope we're looking for. If it doesn't, we return null. Since this conditional is a comptime, this will conditionally compile out the rest of the block so we don't get a type error initializing a scoped action for an invalid tag.

I wrote an entire blog post dedicated to conditionally disabling code with comptime that explains this pattern.

      // Initialize our app action
      return @unionInit(

Finally, we return the initialized scoped action.

Compared to the previous section, this function does have some runtime cost. This function uses a runtime switch statement to filter out actions that don't belong to the scope we're looking for. I didn't bother disassemblying the code to see how this is lowered, but I suspect the compiler optimizes a lot of this away because the converted unions have the same memory layout. I did profile this function in a synthetic case where I infinite loop a cheap keyboard shortcut in Ghostty and it didn't show up in the profile, so I'm not worried about it.


Zig's comptime is a powerful feature that allows you to do some really amazing things. In this post, I combined multiple comptime features of Zig to solve a real-world problem: generating types at comptime, calling comptime-oblivious functions at comptime, inline else, @unionInit, and more.

This post demonstrates an admittedly advanced use of Zig's comptime. For newcomers to Zig, the techniques and language features used here are likely to be overwhelming. It took me some time to get comfortable with these features, but they are incredibly powerful once you do.

I'm a type pragmatist. I believe leaning on the type system to enforce correctness is a powerful tool. At the same time, I believe some languages take this too far and make the type system a burden. Zig strikes a nice balance for me and I believe this post demonstrates that.




  3. Functions that start with @ in Zig are builtin to the compiler.