Mitchell Hashimoto
Prompt Engineering is for Transactional Prompting
I've noticed a consistent point of confusion whenever prompt engineering is discussed and I believe the confusion stems from two distinct ways of using a language model: interactive prompting and transactional prompting. Prompt engineering is primarily about transactional prompting, and a considerable amount of confusion or negativity arises when an individual tries to apply it to interactive prompting.
Interactive prompting is ChatGPT-style prompting where you're having more of a discussion with the language model. If the model returns an unclear response, you can use the pre-existing context to make clarifications and guide the model towards the correct response. Further, interactive prompting is driven primarily by a human being.
Transactional prompting treats the language model more like a function in a programing language: you give it some input and desire some output. This isn't limited to a single prompt, you may chain prompts or perform "agent"-like behaviors here. The point is that you're treating the language model transactionally for a very specific problem, usually at high volume, and driven by software.
I'm assuming terms like "prompting", "prompts", "language model", etc. are already familiar to you. If you want more background on these terms and prompt engineering in general, please see my prior post Prompt Engineering vs. Blind Prompting.
Prompt engineering can help both, since the knowledge of prompt engineering should in theory make someone more effective at getting the desired results from a model regardless of style. However, I believe the primary benefit of prompt engineering is for the transactional use case.
Prompt engineering is about getting the desired result from a language model with the most accuracy and lowest cost. These goals lend themselves more to transactional use cases.
Objectivity vs. Subjectivity
The nature of a process being interactive or transactional isn't nuanced enough to cleanly separate the value of prompt engineering. Another dimension that we can split is between objectivity and subjectivity.
If we have an input that can produce an objectively correct (or I'd even argue "mostly correct") output, then prompt engineering can be successfully applied. Examples of problems with objectively correct results: information extraction, classification, limited forms of code generation, etc.
However, if we have an input that produces something subjectively correct, then prompt engineering is much less useful. The best example of subjective results are creative tasks such as art generation, writing, semantic search.
In the same way that you cannot "engineer" art to be objectively good or bad, it is impossible to "prompt engineer" an LLM on a subjective task to be objectively good or bad. You can prompt engineer a subjective task to improve the likelihood that the resulting output is subjectively accepted, but you can't have the same level of certainty or accuracy as an objective task.
Of course, you may point out that plenty of well-known "prompt templates" exist for subjective tasks that help arrive at the desired result. For example, templates exist to reliably generate art in a specific style. However, to arrive at these prompt templates is much less an engineering or scientific practice and more of a creative writing process.
I view "code generation" as an example of both an objective and subjective task. In theory, code generation can be objectively correct: if software has a sufficiently accurate specification of its behavior, software can objectively be said to either pass or fail the specification. In reality, almost no software has this level of specificity. Therefore, the larger the code generation task, the more subjective it becomes. Conversely, the smaller the code generation task, the more likely that test cases or the input language can be exactly specified, and the more objective it becomes1.
Objective, Transactional Prompting
In general, knowledge of prompt engineering will make anyone more effective at extracting desired information from a language model regardless of the task at hand. However, prompt engineering for interactive prompts is more akin to someone being an effective "Googler" (Google Search user) whereas prompt engineering for transactional prompts is closer to someone being a data scientist.
Prompt engineering attempts to turn an LLM into an objective, predictable, transactional API like any other API a program may interface with such as payments, in-process function calls, SaaS calls, etc. Of course, a language model is not a deterministic, 100% reliable machine, so the utility and use case must be different.
In conclusion, prompt engineering doesn't apply to all prompt interactions with a language model. There are some interactions that are more creative and less data-driven or methodical. But likewise, there are use cases for language models where an engineering methodology can be applied to yield the best results. Both exist without invalidating the other.
One specific area I want to clarify is around the rise of "agents" at the time of writing this post. One could argue that agents are an automated, interactive process with a language model. Technically, they are. But the usage of agents is in my opinion primarily transactional: you give the agent a task and await a result (that may or may not be objectively correct). Prompt engineering can be applied to agents since there is a high-volume, software-driven, transactional nature to their usage.
Code generation is a big enough topic to warrant its own blog post, but I think the lack of specificity will be the main challenge going forward to using language models to generate code for larger or more complex pieces of software. We're seeing agents today iterate on code to pass human-written unit tests in order to generate a functioning, simplistic program. Perhaps the future will reinvigorate the test-driven development (TDD) movement. Of course, program synthesis, program specification, and program proof is a really rich area of academic research, so perhaps there will also be a merging of thought there. There might already be, this is not an area of research I keep up with. In any case, the future will be interesting! ↩